(税込) 送料込み
英国の老舗生地メーカー「THOMAS MASON」のロンドンストライプの生地で仕立てたシャツ。
ベーシックで合わせやすいブルー、落ち着いた印象ながら他とは違う雰囲気になれるグリーン。どちらのカラーも太めなストライプがスタイリングにアクセントを加えてくれます!適度なゆとりがあるのでインにリブニットを合わせたり、ざっくりしたニットとのレイヤードもオススメ。 GERRY のダウンベストやローゲージのニットなどにも好相性です。
表記サイズ フリー
肩幅 約51㎝
身幅 約52㎝
着丈 約77㎝
袖丈 約54cm
カテゴリー | レディース > トップス > シャツ/ブラウス(七分/長袖) |
商品のサイズ | FREE SIZE |
ブランド | アパルトモンドゥーズィエムクラス |
商品の状態 | やや傷や汚れあり |

Thomas Mason Sky Wide Stripe Premium Oxford Cloth Shirt by Proper

Thomas Mason Electric Blue Stripe Dress Shirt by Knot Standard

Thomas Mason Light Blue End-on-End Bengal Stripe Shirt by Proper Cloth

Thomas Mason Light Blue End-on-End Bengal Stripe Shirt
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton-Linen English Spread Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton-Linen English Spread Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt

THOMAS MASON STRIPE SHIRTS(シャツ/ブラウス)|L'Appartement
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton Poplin English Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt

Thomas Mason Oxford Striped Dress Shirt | Limatus Bespoke
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton Poplin English Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt
Brooks Brothers x Thomas Mason® Regent Regular-Fit Dress Shirt, English Collar Double Stripe

Thomas Mason Sky Wide Stripe Premium Oxford Cloth Shirt by Proper

官製 L´Appartement THOMAS MASON STRIPE SHIRTS - profismaelsouto.com.br
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton Poplin English Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt

Green and white stripe Thomas Mason French cuff- Càrnaval Sartoria
Brooks Brothers x Thomas Mason® Regent Regular-Fit Dress Shirt, English Collar Double Stripe
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton-Linen English Spread Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt

Thomas Mason Sky Wide Stripe Premium Oxford Cloth Shirt by Proper

Thomas Mason Oxford Striped Dress Shirt | Limatus Bespoke
Navy Pencil Stripe - Thomas Mason
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton Poplin English Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt

J.Crew Slim Thomas Mason For Shirt In Brushed Striped Oxford, $148

Thomas Mason Sky Wide Stripe Premium Oxford Cloth Shirt by Proper
Brooks Brothers x Thomas Mason® Regent Regular-Fit Dress Shirt, Poplin English Collar Bold Check

White and sky blue striped downing shirt by Thomas Mason
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton Poplin English Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt

Men's Shirts With Thomas Mason Fabrics – Apposta

Thomas Mason Non-Iron Sky Awning Stripe Shirt
Brooks Brothers x Thomas Mason® Regent Regular-Fit Dress Shirt, English Collar Double Stripe

Green and white stripe Thomas Mason French cuff- Càrnaval Sartoria
Brooks Brothers X Thomas Mason® Cotton-Linen English Spread Collar, Stripe Dress Shirt

Thomas Mason Non-Iron Sky Awning Stripe Shirt

Negroni Stripe by Thomas Mason x WM Brown in TOM Camp Shirt – Fayad

Negroni Stripe by Thomas Mason x WM Brown in TOM Camp Shirt – Fayad

THOMAS MASON Mini Collar Shirt(Stripe)(シャツ/ブラウス)|L

THOMAS MASON Mini Collar Shirt(Stripe)(シャツ/ブラウス)|L
J.Crew: Thomas Mason® For J.Crew Slim-fit Dress Shirt In Stripe

THOMAS MASON Mini Collar Shirt(Stripe)(シャツ/ブラウス)|L

Thomas Mason White 3-Ply Regal Twill Fitted Dress Shirt Shirt by

Thomas Mason Light Blue End-on-End Bengal Stripe Dress Shirt Shirt
