【M様専用】The Proper Lady〜他計8冊
(税込) 送料込み
Mary Poovey, The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen. University of Chicago Press, 1985.
Clive Bloom Ed., Nineteenth Century Suspense: From Poe to Connan Doyle. Palgrave Macmillan, 1988.
Beauty and Belief
Jessica Richard. The Romance of Gambling in the Eighteenth-Century British Novel. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Who’s Who in Dickens
Infidel Feminism
The New Eighteenth Century
The Rise of the Woman Novelist
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The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen (Women in Culture and

The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen (Women in Culture and

The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen (Women in Culture and

公式の 【M】The Proper Lady〜他計8冊 洋書 - education.nerdvana.ro

Amazon.com: The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as
公式の 【M】The Proper Lady〜他計8冊 洋書 - education.nerdvana.ro

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